Thursday, December 8, 2011


Before the grand finally, I am posting an amazing piece of art. Accept its beauty while waiting for the finally.  It's pretty amazing.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

3rd Birthday Post!

Before the GRAND FINALY here is the 3rd post! Another crossword! Some same clues :$

Second Birthday Post!

Hey, so as you saw earlier there will be 4 birthday posts, here is number 2! A FABULOUS WORD SEARCH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!

Happy Birthday :)

Hey guys, I realized that I haven't posted in the last few days, but I have a good reason! It was my friend Emma's birthday a while ago and I made her some stuff for the blog :) SO HAPPY BELATED-BIRTHDAY EMMA AND THE NEXT 4 POSTS ARE FOR YOU!!! First thing I made you was a CROSSWORD!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So, I decided to keep my next fan fiction for thursday, it still needs more editing :P So this is one of my favourite pictures of Katniss and Gale :)
Hey guys, I will be posting twice today because I can't post tomorrow (i'm doing the vow of silence). The first one today will be an amazing sketch :) Enjoy!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Todays post is...... FAN ART!!! I love this piece, I found it with a friend awhile ago and i've been meaning to post it <3 Here is an amazing website for the games updates ;)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hey guys, so as promised to day I am going to post twice, but because this is fan-art and fan fiction my second post today will be an amazing painting of Katniss! There is no credit :| but this is still fantastic! 

The Beginning of the Games (in Rue’s Point of View)

  A split second and the alarm went off, so frozen I could barely move. I pushed my legs to go forwards and I was off. Seeing the blood bath ahead of me i didn't want to rush right in. Then it caught my eye. Right in front of me was a sock and some dried fruit. I grabbed it and went off to the woods.
 Everything clicked off, all emotion. I let instinct take over. I started running towards the closets item, the socks and dried fruit. It was a struggle to get them but I did and after I ran for the woods. 
 I’m being chased by the careers, my only hope is to go up a tree. They wont see me there. I keep looking around and yet i can’t seem to find a tall enough one. I see one up ahead and go for it. I fumble up the tree slipping thousands of times.
 I’m finally up the tree when the careers charge forwards. Looking around for an easy kill. Having no idea where I am they decide to pursue for a water source. The amount of supplies they have is incredible. I don’t have time to think much about it because sooner or later they’ll find me.
 I just need to think of someway to get out of here. I still want to see what they’re up to, it’ll give me an advantage against them if I know there strategy. That made up my mind. I’m going to follow them and gather my information. I just need to survive. That’s all I need.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Hey guys, sorry there was no post today :( I tried and didn't have anything good enough to share D: Instead  I will post 2 tomorrow! Wish I posted a good idea today, put there will be double tomorrow! Again i'm so sorry!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Gale Watching the Games

I can’t watch the 74th hunger games, at least not easily. See my best friend (Katniss Everdeen) is competing. Worst of all she’s supposedly “in love” with her tribute partner (Peeta Mellark).
 I guess I never really confronted my feelings about her, I guess you could say we would make a cute couple. I think i’m in love with Katniss, but I may never get the chance to tell her.
 Watching the games is mandatory (i’m not that happy about it) and now we’re down to the last few. A new rule was announced, which was surprising considering they haven’t changed a rule in years. If he last 2 survivors are from the same district they can win together. I have a feeling it was made for the “star crossed lovers”.
 In school we were watching the games as rumors spread around like a wildfire, of coarse they were about Katniss and Peeta. I wasn’t paying much attention to them though.
 I was dozing off while watching when something caught my eye. Katniss was kissing Peeta in the cave. At first I didn’t know how i was feeling then I got the word. Jealous. Furious. Just for a moment I wished I was in Peeta‘s shoes. 
 The night passed quickly, what did she see in him? He doesn’t have good surviving skills, all he does is bake bread, and yet she was still curling up with him in that sleeping bag as they kissed. What if that was me? I should have volunteered for the games to protect her, and yet i didn’t. I wasn’t even sure she’d make it out alive. What was I thinking? I can never undo my actions, and that itself is the worst punishment of all. She needs to make it out alive, no she WILL make it out alive, and when she comes back i’ll tell her how i feel. I HAVE to.